Cariboni Group S.P.A.
Via G.A. Prato N. 22 38068 Rovereto TN Italy
+39 03995211
Cariboni group is an efficient organizational structure, where each element of the worth chain integrates and evolves, by pursuing the common company’s aim: seek after excellence and innovation in its three main principles Light, Design & Technology. Cariboni group founds its belief in the possibility of sustainable development of its industrial activities. A lighting fixture, i.e. the lighting industry, plays a leading role in modern society; that’s why it has to be the result of a responsible activity of research and development, which takes care of the needs of customers, consumers and environment. The respect for the environment comes from a necessary cultural change which all the players (each single citizen, the enterprises, and the governments) have to espouse, in order to grant a sustainable development. This new consciousness puts itself into effect in everyday’s life, by means of some fundamental activities designed to achieve the following objectives:- Realization of “100% Made in Italy” products with energy consumption minimized and performing optics designed to obtain the best photometric result, visual comfort and the absence of light dispersion towards the sky
- Organizing production processes socially responsible with a focus on limiting wastefulness and ecology
- Investing in human resources to ensure a constant update of Training for each element of the company structure