Vescom B.V.
Sint Jozefstraat 20 5753 AV Deurne Netherlands
number: 0031 493 315 833
Vescom develops, produces and distributes high-quality interior products for the international contract market: wallcovering, upholstery fabrics and curtain fabrics.
Vescom represents quality. In technology, design and service. Eye-catching designs and sustainable materials form the basis of the collections. Vescom’s products are used in the contract market especially in the hospitality, healthcare and office sectors.
There is a growing need for beautiful, rich and stylish interior products in these markets. The functionality of the products is, however, of crucial importance. Vescom's products fit in perfectly with these objectives. Technically, the wallcovering and interior fabric collections meet the high quality requirements that the contract market sets with regard to materials. Requirements related to issues such as fire resistance, eased application, fastness to light, durability and resistance to wear.
Vescom offers collections which allow sustainable choices to be made. However, Vescom takes its social responsibility further than simply supplying high-quality and sustainable products. Vescom produces whilst burdening the environment as little as possible and consciously chooses to separate out residual waste in a controlled manner. This guarantees a sustainable production process. Vescom is ISO 14001 and ISO 9001 certified.