modaStyle AG
Hauptstraße 12 4104 Oberwil Switzerland
+41 61 423 9866
modaStyle is engaged in the Concepting, Design and Production of corporate wear and uniforms for the hospitality and catering, health care, banking, security and other services industries and associations in Switzerland and in the EU. modaStyle also produces outfits for various bands participating at the annual UN Cultural World Heritage Basel carnival.
modaStyle works closely with its customers to determine the style, corporate image, usage and other criteria in the concepting or development phase paying careful attention to budgetary restraints and care, environmental, social and other concerns. After acceptance of the concept, modaStyle elaborates exclusive detail designs, selects suitable fabrics and, where necessary, produces prototypes. Following a further review by the client and possibly a test phase, modaStyle contracts the production at carefully selected production facilities in Switzerland and the EU. Occasionally, modaStyle may buy-in ready made garments and have those adapted to fit the concept and design.
modaStyle is proud of its personal service and this not just at the initial stage where they provide face-to-face consultation, measuring-up service, commissioning, logistics support and coordination right up to delivery, but also post-sales for refitting, repairs and reorders in large and small quantities, and ongoing availability for consultation and advice.
Quality, wearability, care and user friendliness, and overall economics of a professional wear project are key concerns of modaStyle.
modaStyle was founded in 1998 by Ruth Bürgin, its owner and managing director. It is based in Oberwil BL, Switzerland, close to Basel. It employs nine certified designers, tailors and textile professionals. Long term and returning clients are testimony to its dedication, reliability and earned trust.