Air Fusion Plus
Air Fusion Plus
We provide the US with the only stand alone Air Purification systems medically proven and backed by the Center of Preventative Medicine.
The newest generation of HYLA systems provides state of the art long lasting quality unmatched by any other company.
Using water as a filter will not only save your company thousands of dollars from no longer needing to replace filters constantly, it will also provide better quality air than HEPA filtration (even capturing and eliminating VOC's)
What do our systems provide?
-99.997% Pure Clean Air (up to 1500 sq ft)
-Air Disinfectant from viruses and bacteria
-humidity control at the doctor recommended 45-55% level.
All with the push of a single button!
Is the health of your customers important to your company?
Is saving money important to your comany?
Call us for more information at 479-206-1476